24 May 2011

interior crocodile alligator

what a boring week.
well at least Dirt 3 is coming out today~!
anyway I saw this video last week
quite cool actually.

Interior crocodile alligator. I drive a Chevrolet movie theater.

06 May 2011

Potential Energy

that's right
potential energy is all i need.   :)

i won't be updating my blog for quite a time
because i will be facing my exam tomorrow
since my last exam is terrible suck.
i will force myself SHUT the pc for 3WEEK!
alright 2 week perhaps?  XD

this is me,great potential energy will convert to same amount of kinetic energy.
this time im going to PWN it~!

PS:It's OK if you don't understand what I'm saying.It's not for human to read.