29 June 2011

imgoingtomissyou, harry.

there is a lot of good movie coming this year.
transfomer, mission impossible 4,cars etc etc.
but the movie that bring my nerves on is HARRY POTTER AND THE DEADLY HOLLOWS PART 2~~!

the feeling when you watch the trailer is so......touching.
because a decade of wonderful films.
a decade of magical dreams.
and now, it going to end sood.
it's ok if you can't feel the great feeling.
only understandable harry potter fans know it.

no doubt it is the greatest series in films history.
although i haven read the novels.I watch all the movies~!
well although movies miss quite a lot of thing that mention in the novels.
but i still understand it quite well.

anyway,im going to miss you harry.
and ron and hermione.
daniel, emma and rupert are GREAT actor.
wish them good luck.  :)

movie poster :)

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